I recently signed up with lunar pages and am very new to web development. I have a web app that I developed for a class and I wanted to put in on the internet. So I uploaded the WAR file into the webapps folder. I can successfully get to the starting page (index.jsp). But when I click any of my links problems occur. For example clicking on one link and I get
500 Servlet Exception
Note: sun.tools.javac.Main has been deprecated.
/webapps/CS5244Proj/admin.jsp:23: Class edu.vt.cs5244.BasicAirlineManager
not found in import.
import edu.vt.cs5244.BasicAirlineManager;
/webapps/CS5244Proj/admin.jsp:24: Class edu.vt.cs5244.PassengerAirlineException
not found in import.
import edu.vt.cs5244.PassengerAirlineException;
/webapps/CS5244Proj/admin.jsp:106: '(' expected.
Set<String> listOfFlights = new HashSet<String>();
3 errors, 1 warning
When I try to access my other JSP's and servlets, I get the following error message
Not Found
The requested URL /webapps/CS5244Proj/servlet/edu.vt.cs5244.PRPservlet was not found on this server.
Additionally, a 404 Not Found error was encountered while trying to use an ErrorDocument to handle the request.
So I really dont know what to do. I was hoping I could just upload my WAR file to the webapps folder and it would be deployed automatically without having to do anything. I actually did just that on a different site, uploaded the WAR file and, boom, there was my webapp. It is a free web hosting site and the server goes down every 6 hours tho, so I really want to get it to work here.
Can anyone give me some help here??? I would really appreciate it?