Last Saturday I posted a question about turning off the DHCP server on a BT Business Hub3 affecting static IP connectivity - although I didn't get an answer, I've discovered it's actually working out quite nicely for me to have two DHCP servers running on the same neiwork. This is because the server that hosts the DHCP server for the 192.168 subnet which is NAT'ed to the domestic VirginMedia cable connection responds to DHCP requests faster than the BTHub3 so non-business systems in the house are effectively getting connected to Virgin right away and not through my business Infinity connection.
Now I have another question - how do I set up BTHub3 for 2 public static addresses on the same server? I set the two addresses up on the server's NIC OK but it seems you can only configure one IP address for every system detected by the hub on the business network. The reason I have 2 public IP addresses on the same box is because I'm running two DNS servers for different domains, both of which use the standard port 53. This is not a major issue as I can always move one of the DNS servers to physically different server but I wondered if 2 external IP addresses could be routed through to the same box?