Yesterday I had a new phone line installed by BT for new business premises. The phone is all up and running fine and the Broadband was supposed to be live from midnight, I had a message saying this was successful.
However, when I purchased the package I didn't order a BT Business Hub as I already had one which was unused, which was given to be by someone who no longer required it. Obviously it came with its own Wireless network/SSID and Wireless key.
I also received letters from BT with details of network login passwords, wi-fi passwords and such like, none of which I really understand.
This morning I plugged the Hub in to the phone line with an ADSL filter and cannot connect to wi-fi at all using my phone or iPad.
Can someone please expalin to me, in English, what I need to do in order to get online or if I can indeed use that hub.
Hi there Mbwoy
OK, here is what you need to do.
First off connect a computer to the router with a wire
Then open up an internet page, and delete everything in the address bar (the bit that currently read business.forums.bt.com... )
Then type in
press enter and that will get you into the hub menu.
If this hub has never been configured it will asks you for some info at this stage, the on screen instructions are very clear on what is needed and provide diagrams showing where this is located.
Once this has done you will see a home page (if the hub has been configured you will see this straight away)
click settings and enter the router admin password if you know it, if not you can follow the forgotten password journey on the hub, again the instructions are very clear on what is needed.
Once that has been sorted click on settings > wireless
you can now set the wifi password.
If you also want to set the wifi name this can be done just as easily by going to settings > advanced settings > continue > Wireless.
You should now be able to find and connect to your wifi
As an additional note the WIFI username and password you got from BT will be for our BT WIFI/Openzone service
these wifi hotspots are available all over the UK. Just conect to BT WIFI when you are out and about and when you try to access the web it will ask you for the username and password you received from BT.
Hope this helps