I should start by saying that BT Helpline has tried to help with this but as I've discovered fixed IP in BT world doesn't seem to be the same as it is with any other provider I've ever come across. So much so that they can't offer any box / service that can just provide straight forward NAT translation from the public addresses to private ones. To be frank unless this can be resolved I feel I may have to cancel the BT service and start again with a different provider.
I was advised by BT that to solve by problems I would need a router / firewall that supported PPPoE and so I ordered a Sophos UTM firewall. It was reasonably straightforward to setup and works well in just basic connection.
What seems to be impossible is to get three of my five external static IP's to three internal static IP's (192.168.1.x) using any of the setup's suggested (masquerade IPs etc.)
PLEASE can anyone let me know if you have any experience on getting this working as to be frank I seem to be chasing the impossible here.