After decided what package and broadband to go with, the appointment for the engineer to come is on the 08/08 to fit the line and Broadband.
In all honesty, on the day, the engineer spend less than 5 minutes in my premises and left. I was waiting from 8am onwards as from the text and letter I received, it mention that, if the appointment need to be reschedule, I need to pay £110 on the top.
I doublt the line will be up and running, but he told me for sure, it will be within 15mins after i plug the phone back to it.
I ask him abt my broadband only to be told if the hub had not arrive, He couldnt install the broadband for me.
Dissapointed at this point, I call to Bt to find out what is going on, and been told I need to wait until the completion of the BT Landline before they can order the order to be activated and make appointment to an engineer to come to me again. Not being happy with the answer, I press on and say its cause quite a bit of inconvience to myself and the people living there at the moment as thay will be without internet for a long time.
At this point, the sales person suggested bt wifi ( not available in the area) and mobile dongle which can be used temporary. I had call in a few time on this stage and 2 of the customers serviices service staff suggest me to go with the dongle and bt will reimburse me with £50 to my account.
Still not happy as I think if BT or the engineer done a bit more, I would have the broadband by now.
My mind come across cancelling the package but I decided to give BT another chance as my other shop in SA1 been serve by BT well for the pass 5 years.
At the point, I was hoping someone could tell me realisticly how soon will i get my broadband and been promise someone will call me with an update.
Soon after, I received a letter and by text that an engineer will be visiting my premises on the 20/08 to the broadband installation.
Just like the very first time and with expectation, I was waiting in the premises from 8am in hope this will finally resolve and I will have broadband running so I can concentrate on running the business.
I called BT around 12pm to find what time should I wait for the engineer to arrive only to be told that the appointment had been cancelled and the engineer will no turn up as fibre broadband is not avalaible in my area.
Feeling angry and dissapoint at this point, I was ask the BT collegues the following :-
- Why BT sales sell me BT Fibreoptic broadband at the first place if its no avalaible in my area ?
- How come I had not been contacted or informed whatsover of the cancellation of the engineer that is not coming ?
- Do BT realise that they had wasted awful lot of my time and resources by going around in circle with my broadband ?
- How much will be BT charging me monthly for broadband and telephone line as innitially this deal is based on fibre broadband, calling packages and featureline with 3months free?
I had been promised a callback from someone by the name of tracy which should able to solve and answer
my query but since then I am still awaiting any callback from any person.
All I got new 7 emails with new order reference numbers and new appointment date in relation to my Broadband which will be on the 28/08
Looking on the BT complaint page, I call in again in hope I can discuss with someone at higher position as I think this is getting out of control and complicated. At the same time, I had contacted Virgin media business to find out the cost and which would gladly take me on as their customer.
Till now, I am still awaiting from someone to call me back to discuss about my order as it is no longer a featureline with fibre broadband, what would be the monthly charges and the cost of installation. Apart from that, I also wish to put forward my feeling and experience this time which in all fairness a very poor services.
I hope someone at a higher position to get in contact me with as soon as possible to rectify this problems. At the same time, I will press for BT to reimburse the time and resources that I had wasted for the past 2 weeks.
If its not solve to a satisfactory level, I will not hesistate to cancel my order moves my business to elsewhere for BT`s incompetent.