I've got a system (Windows 7 64-bit) which was working fine with a BT 3G USB Dongle and BT Access manager and then today the user has reported that they haven't been able to connect for the past couple of weeks.
I've taken a quick look and even though the dongle appears happy, BT access manager 3G connection option will never activate (i.e. turn green).
I've tried another BT 3G Dongle and the same thing. I've tried the BT 3G dongle in another laptop and it works fine. I've tried uninstalling BT Access Manager, and reinstalling (the latest version) and still got the same problem on this one laptop.
Any ideas at what I might look at on this one laptop which might be causing this and get it to work?
I resolved this, here are my notes for anyone looking at this in the future with something similar.
I noticed that the 3G connection in BT Access manager wasn't even flashing orange/red so it wasn't even attempting to get a connection. It seems that even though BT Access manager recognised the BT dongle was inserted, it didn't recognise the 3G modem part of it. Looking in windows device manager confirmed this with yellow exclamation marks against the ZTE Modem.
I uninstalled everything, and just installed the old version of BT Access Manager from the USB dongle. Surprisingly this worked and everything was fine. However, the software is out of date and it sort of forces you (by means of disconnection if you don't) to upgrade. So I uprgaded and then the modem stopped working again. Seems the new drivers aren't working on this laptop.
So I uninstalled everything, installed the old version of BT Access Manager from the dongle and had it working again. Then took a copy of the 3 ZTE driver files from c:\windows\system32\drivers to somewhere safe. I then upraded to the newer version of BT Access Manager and allowed it to install everything plus fail to install the latest drivers to the point where it stopped working again. I then exitted out of BT Access Manager (and possibly pulled the dongle out) and then copied the old drivers I'd taken a copy of, over the top of the newly install drivers in c:\windows\system32\drivers.
Now everything works.