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BT incorrectly cancelled line - now can't get it back


Hi All - I originally posted this in the residential forum, but was told it belongs here... In reality it's a combination of residential and business but hopefully someone can help (?)




Hoping to get some opinions on the best way to tackle/escalate my problem. I've dealt with a number of people on the BT support number but things only seem to be getting worse...


I've recently had BT Infinity installed... It's one of the few perks from work and they arranged for a new BT business PSTN line to be installed in my house and setup with Infinity. All was working fine, so I phoned BT to cancel the existing ADSL on my consumer line.


I was really clear that I only wanted to cancel the broadband (and only in 30 days time after the contractural notice period), but the next day I was unable to make any calls and checking my email saw that my line had been completely cancelled - so I was now without my home telephone number.


Phoning BT that evening, it seems the only way to get the line back was to go through the new customer activation process - including credit checks, new 12 months contract, etc - and they gave me an activation date of about 2 weeks time. That would give me a new number after which I could then apply to get my old number back. I kicked up a fuss (really didn't want to be without my phone line/number for that long), and they agreed to fast-track the activation and gave me a better date (which was yesterday).


I felt I might be getting somewhere, but yesterday my work start getting confirmation emails about cancelling my telephone number and Infinity service - and when I get home it turns out BT have put the newly activated 'personal' number on my business PSTN line and my consumer line still doesn't work. And I'm still no-where near actually getting my hands on my old telephone number that everyone actually uses.


So I now have:

- my old consumer PSTN line which has a dial tone, but seemingly no number and not able to make outgoing calls

- my new business PSTN line which is working but now has a new number that is probably associated with my personal BT account. At this stage I have no idea how the billing for Infinity is going to work (it should go to work, but I've also received a letter that it is going to be cancelled - which would be the icing on the cake).


This morning I spent quite a while talking to the order team helpdesk. I could tell he had no idea what was going on and, after putting me on hold for a long time, finally got rid of me by saying someone from the business team would phone me back in 5 minutes. That was about four hours ago and nothing since.


I really don't relish trying to explain this to someone over the phone in what seems to be an Indian call centre. Does anyone have any ideas how else I might go about getting the mess sorted?


