Hi, When I go to Easy site pro how can I make a backup copy. It asks me to select the web site that I am working on, but I cannot see an option for making a backup coply. I make sure that I save my web site every few minutes as I am working on it - can anyone advise please?
Thank you
I don't use site building wizards myself these days, as they tend to be more trouble than they are worth.
All I can suggest is logging into the web server with your FTP details and copying all the files out manually, if there is a MySQL database involved then it gets a bit trickier but it can be done.
Lyndap, firstly, I am sorry that you haven't had a reply thus far. You could, as suggested, use an FTP program to download all of the files from your webspace. However, I'm not sure why you'd want to do this as we have backups of your site and can restore it if necessary?
The correct way to back up your Easy Site is to connect to FTP using an ftp client such as Filezilla. Using the following standard you will be able to connect to your FTP account
Host: domainname
User: domainname
Pass: Your web hosting password.
After connecting to FTP downloading both the public and private folders will ensure a proper back up of the domain.
Please be advised that with all Easy Site Wizard created websites there are generally no databases involved.