I have put a blog page on my website and completed the form for the easyblog builder (think I have anyway!). But it didn't enable me to write a blog?? I've launched my site but it doesn't appear on Google or Yahoo yet, so can't properly see it.
I looked at it in Preview before I launched and when I clicked on 'blog' it took me to a blank blue page. I'm very confused and thought this would just make blogging easy but it hasn't.
Any ideas?
ps: I have another question but I'll do a separate post.
From within the Easy Blog builder you would create new posts by clicking "blog editor" on the top. This should get you started. You can view the blog as it would appear to someone visiting your site by clicking "view blog" on the top left also within the Easy Blog builder tool. You can also access the blog section of your site directly in your browser by going to http://yourdomain.com/cgi-bin/ebb/blog2/index.php.
Hope this helps.
I'll try this.
You might have asked this question for the second time here...
But anyway, it has already been solved. Thanks.