We have not received a bill from BT for our business since September 2014. We pay our bills by Direct debit each quarter and should receive a paper bill. When I request a copy they never arrive either. I tried on line billing and received an email to say that I had registered, but when I log in to look at my bill, it says that I am not registered! I have spoken to numerous people in billing about this problem, but all I am told is that they are sorry, but are looking in to it.
I have sent in two official complaints to BT and the matter has been passed on to someone in Billing complaints who I can contact by telephone, but the situation has not been sorted out after yet another year. It has resorted to the fact that I have to phone this contact every quarter, for him to email our bill to me personally!!!!!!. This last quarter, I said that it was not good enough that I have to phone him to receive a copy of my bill and he just said that he would put a note in his diary to remember to send it without my requesting it! I look forward to that!!!
I would like to cancel our direct debit, but am worried that we will be cut off our business line, because if we do not have a bill, how will we know what to pay?
Has anyone else encountered this problem with their OneBill. I think that I have been more than patient with BT and non one ever seems that they want to sort the matter out. I really am at a loss as to what to do.