When using "manage pages" and then selecting the page I want and using "Edit Page Properties", on some of my pages where I am trying to fill in the keywords section, it works OK, but on others it comes back with a message "Filename incorrect".
What filename? Can someone offer some advice on what I am missing please? I can't seem to see any obvious differences between the ones that work and the ones that don't.
I have recently had this problem too. I came across an old post in the forum where a BT advisor said that uppercase letters and hyphens cannot be used in filenames and I discovered that if I remove these from the name of the webpage (the top field in the page properties box) then the problem is solved. However you cannot just change the uppercase letter concerned to lowercase, I had to change to a different name. Could this be what is causing your problem? I have been using both uppercase letters and a hypen in filenames successfully for the last few years so I don't know why it is suddenly a problem but to update the page description and keywords I had to rename several webpages and chase all the relevant links and update these too. Very annoying but at least it was a solution.
Hope this helps