Hello there
I forgot my FTP password and I am trying to download my website using Filezilla. How can I reset a new password when I don't have the old one?
Any help is much appreciated
Your FTP password is not visible to the helpdesk, you would need to log onto My Office with your primary BTConnect email address and password. Once logged in to My Office:
- Go to manage services
- then manage web hosting
- You would then click to change FTP Password,
The first thing it will ask for is the password (Old). This is not your old FTP Password, what you enter here is your BTConnect Email password (that you used to log into myoffice). You then would enter what you want as your password and repeat.
This will change/ reset your FTP Password. The thing to remember is that it is not your Old FTP password it is asking for, it is your primary BTConnect Email password.
Kind Regards
BT Business Forum Moderator