I want looking at the Featureline product for our office. I want to know how many lines or connections can I have at once with a featureline product. For example we need to be able to make and recieve at least three inbound and outband calls at once - on the same number.
I also believe you can transfer calls between featureline extentions - is that correct?
Hi Scootek
Im not sure on featureline but have a look at Broadband voice/ hosted voip it does what you have asked about above and can work out cheaper.
and for the old traditionalists that love Featureline.
You would need 6 Featurelines in total (to meet your 3 inbound and 3 outbound requirement) and they would need to be configured as Hunt Group Working. This means that each line will have its own telephone number and there will be one number that sits across all 6 lines (the Hunt Group number). Each line is also allocated a 2 digit extension number so calls can be transferred between extensions easily and at no cost to you.
Featureline is the original Hosted platform and uses the good, old fashioned public switched telephone network (so you can be certain of the 99.9% call completion statistics). BT Hosted VoIP is a cheaper alternative but please remember when weighing up the costs that you will be routing calls across the internet and your call quality / completion statistics will be dependent on the broadband speeds that you can achieve at your site.
I have just found out that you cannot have hunt group is you have broadband on one line. I wanted 2 featureline phonelines and moved over but then found out we couldnt have this service because broadband was on one line. Nice little downside they dont explain to you.