With the business BT router I have the option to charge my customers for WiFi on the BTopenzone option, now personally I think this is outrageous. I pay for unlimited broadband and don't wish to pass on charges to my customers.
If they spend money they should get free WiFi.
As the BTOpenzone option is a secure network away from my own broadband and network connections can I therefore let them access my broadband without charging them but keeping them on a secure (away from my network) connection?
Is there an option to do this?
You aren't really passing on any charges, as you're offering a hotspot for a BT service that is paid for in all instances unless you're already a BT Business Broadband customer (which means you should have free minutes per month). There is no such thing as a free lunch anyway, as 'free' services tend to be either very restrictive, slow, or fail due to lack of funding.
As far as letting people access your connection in some way other than Openzone, sure there are. But you should have a think first. You'll need a server to manage and log all the traffic, otherwise you could be held responsible for anything they do on your connection. You'd also need a way to make sure that anyone who connects to your broadband can't get into your router.
Being honest I don't know how good the Business Hub is with regard to being used for an Internet Cafe style thing, but I've no doubt that there are routers out there that are designed specifically for it.
Hope that helps.
Dave A
Thanks for that.
All taken on board, I'd still rather they could access it for free, but not at the expense of security.