Can anyone help me with this?
I set up my website on a laptop that has subsequently died. Unfortunately I did not back up the latest version of my website. I now have a new computer and would like to get a copy of the website files from the BT server so that I can update my website rather than having to rebuild it from scratch. My question is - how to I transfer/copy files back to my computer?
I originally set up an FTP password but only used it once and now cammot remember it. It looks to me as if I could transfer the files manually using the file management page on Webhosting but this is very slow and I can't see how to download a whole directory.
Any suggestions would be most gratefully received.
I'm not hugely up on the BT webhosting package, but if I remember rightly you can reset your FTP password through, clicking on the 'Manage Services' link and then on 'Websites and Domains'.
Ah here we go. Should have had a look before I wrote the above, but it proves my memory is better than I thought.,2923,2935/a_id/8738/kw/ftp
Once you've got that then you'll be able to use an FTP client (Filezilla is free and quite good) to download everything.