I am attempting to create my first web site and have hit a brick wall.
How do I transfer a document to my web site so that customers can open it, complete it and submit it to me?
So far I have transferred the word document to PDF, uploaded it to my file transfer folder and am now stuck
When I click on the hyperlink box I don't get the same table as it shows in the easy site guide.
Any suggestions would be appreciated? Thanks.
You can link to the pdf file by creating a hyperlink to a URL. So, for example, if the pdf was named filename.pdf and in you public folder the link would be to yourdomain.com/filename.pdf. This should allow them to view and download the pdf.
PDF's are usually no editable though, so you may want to leave the file as a .doc, but that's up to you of course.
Thanks for the reply, the problem I have is that I don't actually know how to do it and any help with this would be appreciated.
Best advice you will get anywhere is..
1. leave the BT site builder alone, don't touch.. think of it as a half eaten kebab sitting on a pavement pizza. Tempting if you're hungry but not something you would try lightly.
2. goto Tizag.com start reading where they say 'Basic HTML'
3. once you feel confident grab yourself an FTP file uloader like Filezilla and an HTML editor like Bluefish, both are free.
[alternatively seek out a student geek as they normally have a spare copy of the Dreamweaver 8 suite]