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Hi all! HTML embedding help!

Master User

Hi everyone. I'm interested in signing up to BT web hosting. An important part of my site will be the ability to embed HTML. I know it might seem like a silly question, but I've had issues with another web hosting company where I seemed to only be able to use their website building tools and not embed HTML code to place my own images onto the site and was wandering if BT web hosting packages allow you to embed HTML? I was also wandering, if HTML is possible, whether it can be used easily alongside BT's site wizard 7?


Thank you in advance!


Kind regards,


Master User

Hi Martin,


You can use any web builder software you wish with the bt webhosting.  You do not need to use the Easy Site Wizard, you can upload other files including html files through ftp.


There is also an option to edit the html of a page within the Easy Site Wizard Pro if you prefer to do this through BT's software.


There is also an option to edit the CSS of the software too.



Grand Master

To be perfectly honest the best thing you can do is ...


  1. Goto X10 Hosting and open an account. It's free and you get more features*
  2. When you have the account goto the 'cPanel' and install Wordpress. 

Choose a ready made website template put in your own content, images and  what special plugin modules you want. This gets you a well designed fully functional site up online fast and no frustration with WYSIWYG site building packages.


*You can compare packages by looking at the pages  here and here

(Don't look if you have paid for BT hosting it may upset you)


Of course BT does throw in a  domain name worth about £6

but they give these away free to all who ask over at

[ GBBO -  a  joint venture between Google and BT  but the renewal fee

after the two years is up is apparently extortionate, so probably

better to get the domain yourself from


You can get a free domain from here however Google go so fed up

with spam sites using the prefix it no longer lists them in search results.


PS:  because the folk over at X10 hosting are so nice they will

even let you use a domain name bought somewhere else with a free account. UK Jobs Scanner