Hi, I am at my wits end with a simple telephone line move, not even a change of exchange, to my new premises that already have phone lines installed and used by the previous occupant. First ordered 21 February, there has been a long catalogue of errors and ommissions by BT that resulted in teh initial order not being forwarded, then subsequently twice orders have been cancelled because of the wrong address being used in BT's internal systems (although BT acknowledge from day 1 that I have provided the correct details).
My question is how do I get proper and appropriate escalation on this?
The only apparent means of communication is phoning 0800 800 152, or other hol-music-plagued telephone lines which can take up to 30 minutes of being on hold before speaking to someone who it quickly becomes apparent has neither the authority, autonomy or often the willingness to do more than cite the same mantra 'the order has just been placed, it is in the system....'
Or apparently the alternative is writing a letter to head office in London. Are there no email addresses within BT? Do they still communicate by copperplate handwritten notes?
I am truly beyond everything now with exhaustion over this issue, and no one in BT seems to give a **bleep** to actually address it, just to resubmit it into the same flawed process. Help, please, someone