We have had BT Infinity for about a year. Up until recently we have had download speeds of around 55mbps but this has now reduced to around 37mbps. Looking at the IP profile, this seems to have been lowered to 38Mbps. We've not had any problems with our connection and the helpdesk couldn't find any fault on the line. Their suggestion was to send an Openreach engineer out - at a possible cost of £225+VAT if the fault is on our premises. Before I do that, does anyone have experience of IP Profiles being changed and is there a way to persuade BT to reset it?
Hi there @dclholly
The actual profile change has occurred because the monitoring software at the exchange saw instability on your line, if you are using a BT router/openreach modem combo or the Hub 5 then you have nothing to worry about. If its only BT kit connected to the line then its unlikely that you will be charged, we include that charge incase of an issue with onsite interference from damaged equipment on the line.
If you are using a 3rd party router and its faulty (dropping authentication with the exchange etc) then you are looking at a possible charge.
What i will say is that we need an engineer out so that we can improve the line, this will let us unband the profile and get the line back to full speeds.
Hope this helps
Thanks for the reply - it is a bt hub 3 and openreach modem so I guess it's worth going ahead and getting an engineer out.
Definitely, like i say if the engineer improves the line then we just need to reset the profile