I have just activated my BT Shop and trying to get four images on the homepage linking to the item for sale. I have tried for two days but cannot seem to do it.
Can anyone help please?
Thank you
Hello Sam07,
The other way to do this is....
1. Add the products you wish to view on homepage to the 'tray'. When you're in product list view, its a menu option in the batch actions. If you're in the main product view simply click the tray icon on right of screen (next to help), you'll the product name highlighted, click it and its added to tray.
2. Navigate back to Content/Categories -> Data Sheet view -> Homepage > Products. Click 'add products from tray'.
3. Tip, use the layout tab to change how the products are displayed e.g. as list, as 2columns, 3columns, etc.
Hope it helps. Cheers, Orchie