Ok hello all, 2 days ago my internet was fine, it was running very smooth with no problems. Then all of a sudden I disconnected from the internet. I have B.T broadband and my router is Bt business Hub, BT 2700HGV the ethernet light on the router is fine its Green this goes for the wireless too. However, the broadband light is flashing steadily and the internet light is simply off. When I try to open a webpage, it says Bt business hub failed to connect to the internet and DSL link cannot be found. Although the internet is not working, all our phones are working perfectly. So our cables is not the problem. So its not from our end. I live in the U.K, London. And yeah this has happened before but it then it starts working, but now its been off for 2 days: It says "Then broadband link is currently not available" AND "Error: The hub has failed to connect to the internet."This happens when i open a webpage like Google etc. Summary Status DSL Link: Not connected Internet: Not connected. Link test DSL sync- No Dsl signal was found. G. DMT ATM Signal No DSL signal was found. Thanks for your help!