Hi, my mum (81years of age) and dad (83) decided with trust to take a BT broadband and calls contract for 12 months. They had an email confirmation saying their connection would be on 25th June. Come the 25th June nothing, no "kit" arrived so obviously they did not get connected on the 25th. They called BT only to be passed around then told their connection would be 7th July. They complained and was told there was nothing that could be done for them! One of the resaons they took the contract was they cannot do without their connection as they use the internet for amongst other things, their food shopping and was happy BT could do it so quickly! I have checked their email (obviously they cannot) and they now have an email from BT saying they will be connected on 7th July and that it is an 18 month contract which was not agreed. They have suffered much stress over this situation and i'm hoping they can get some compensation for waiting and a 12 month contract not 18 months. They are so disappointed as they put their trust in BT.
This is a BT business forum not residential