Hi, we've got a BT business line that I've installed a Samsung phone system on to that can take messages, sing, dance and just about anything else seemingly.
The problem we have is when a message is left a disconnect signal isn't sent so the message ends up being about 10mins long (and ties up a phone line). A samsung forum suggest the loop disconnect timer needs to be set to 800ms.
Anyone else had this problem or know which department I need to phone?
I'm scared to just phone BT as in the past you just get palmed off to different people not one of them knowing what you're talking about.
Thanks for any help in advance
Don't worry, I phoned up the tech help, got through straight away to John Curwin (sp) who solved everything.
I'd imagine BT get a fair bit of stick so I wanted to send an email praising the service I was given but couldn't find anywhere to send it. Sending complaints seems easy enough but they're not set up to receive praise!
Hi srk,
glad to hear this is now resolved! Would you be able to post how he managed to fix this? Iis there something you had to do on your end or did John fix it on his end through his systems?
Sorry, should have done that.
Phoned 0800 800154.
As far as I understand it loop disonnect timer actually relates to a pulse tone line, so he changed disconnect clear time to 800ms which solved the issue. It also solved the additional problem of not being able to use tone dialling phones (I'd had to change them to pulse dialling).
All in all happy bunny 🙂
it's great to hear it's all working for you, no doubt others who come on the forum with the same problem will know what to do
Hi Steph
We have a similar problem. Our new phone system will only work if the Disconnect Clear Time is greater than zero. Unfortunately the lines coming into our office are standard BT featurelines and apparently the DCT is set to zero on a featureline and cannot be changed! I am sure it would solve our problem if we could change our DCT to 800ms. Any help or solutions would be much appreciated.
Hi Kevin4168,
Can you please private message me with some of your details.
BT Forum Moderator
I too have the same problem as Kevin4168.
We have feature line installed on our BT Business lines and have not installed a PBX. If a caller hangs up the phones continue to ring. When we asked if Disconnect Clear could be adjusted we were told we could not with feature line installed.
Was there any solution to this problem other than getting feature line removed first? Our telephone engineer tells me he has another customer with feature line and they managed to get their lines set to 800ms
Hi Jon,
We have been informed by our support team to direct you to contact the helpdesk on 0870 513 3399.
They should be able to assist there.
BT Business Support Forum Moderator
I have the same problem on Featurelines and need the Line Disconnect signal changed, however when I rang the Featureline helpdesk number it just goes through to the general enquiry line where there is no one that understands what I am talking about, we have tried to get this changed a couple of times and someone takes our request but nothing happens. Where do we go from here to get some sort of service out of BT?