Being very satisfied with BT services before I signed up now, being semi-retired, to BT Infinity. One of the questions I asked at the time, was "would and name@btconnect still be able to be received since much of my company promotional material produced in the past relied on name@btclick". I was assured it would be.
After changing over of service to btmail I can only receive new eamils via this and have for 2 weeks, despite 3 calls of over 30 minutes each, failed to receive satisfactory settings for these 2 servers. Please bear in mind I am not back-end computer wise. My fear is that being a Parish Councillor and dealing with community matters is that residents may be suffering. Can anyone please give me the settings on how I might do a workround. Been waiting for 2 days on a response which supposibly is with email division
Thank you
Hi frustrated2hell
all name@btclick email addresses were migrated over to be some years ago now, so any email sent to name@btclick now gets delivered to the email address.
There is a few options to access your email, you can login here as the email address or you can set the email address up in an email program such as outlook 2010 or above or other programs such as Windows live mail Mac Mail etc using these server settings.
Incoming server:
port :995
Encryption method: SSL
outgoing server:
Port: 587
Encryption method: SSL/TLS
enble outgoing authentication
I hope this helps