I am getting deeply furstrated in getting the answers I want.
I got a web designer to start building my site but in order for them to do that I needed to provide them the information needed for them to upload and manage my site.
I have registred my domain with BT and have a webhosting package with them.
I have contacted online support twice and call support each one giving me mixed massages. First one saying all they needed is ftp address and password. I provided this and my web designer says they need more such as:
BT Web Hosting (IBP) (1)
This package contains a .co.uk domain, 10 email accounts, 500MB web space and templates.
Hi pwdsnd,
With the standard BT Web Hosting (IBP) you do not have the functions for a data base as this requires MySQL which is only availble with our advanced webhosting pack.
So if your website designers are needing this information you will need to upgrade your account to the advanced one.
Once it is upgraded you can then login to the account to create the database details they are asking you for.
I hope this helps.