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Moving domain to BT, then redirecting A record - effect on Email ?


We want to move our domain to BT. At present our domain is held by someone else, and we get smtp email delivered directly. When we move the domain to Bt I have been told we need to modify the A record to point to our website on our web-designer's server. Will this mean they wil automatically get the email directed tto them, or do we pick it up via pop3 from BT ?

Obviously we can't afford any downtime, and I seem unable to get a phone number for anyone to talk to.

Also, having been messed about by the clown we are currently with, he gave us the transfer code 3 weeks ago. Is it still valid, or would it have expired ?






Hi Atl,


There are few factors that vary on the type of domain that you have, ie a or a .com domain.


Can you please supply me with your domain name to assist you further?


The transfer code is dependant on the domain registrar however they normally only last between 1 -2 weeks.


To discuss any domain issues you can contact the team on 0845 600 7020 option 2.


Thanks in advance




BT Forum Moderator

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