We work from a rural business park on the outskirts of Bristol - we are several miles from the exchange and have been told by Openreach Engineers installing new lines or dealing with problems on existing lines, that this is a contributing factor to the lines being quiet.
We are one of several businesses that report that the phone lines are so quiet as to regularly be unable to hear the caller and on occasion to be heard - we've tried different phones, some BT phones and also recognised business phones such as Panasonic - all experience the same problem, wired or wireless, plugged directly in to the test socket or via the switch they are equally quiet. This extends to handset or headset with incoming call volume turned up all the way. We have 4 seperate lines that experience exactly the same issue, therefore we are very confident that it's not an internal equipment issue.
I understand it may be possible via the Mods on here to arrange for the gain/volume of the actual line to be increased - if so that would be appreciated?
If anyone has any ideas in the mean time to increase the volume I would be happy to hear those too