MacBook Pro 2.2 I7 processor 8GbRAM 750GBHDD OSX10.9
Dreamweaver CS6
I am trying, frustratingly without any form of success, to post my website using the Dreamweaver ftp utility to BT hosting.
This is a screen shot of the ftp box in Dreamweaver
Use Passive FTP is ticked
I have tried FTP address with and without the ftp. prefix.
This is the screen I get as a result.
Please advice, I'm getting desperate.
Thank you. {:o(
Hi tulip0852,
Sorry to hear of these issues.
The domains dns settings were not in place.
I have updated these and you should be able to access FTP within the next 4 hours.
In the meantime you can use the following IP address for the ftp address.
Kind Regards,
Ian - F -
BT Business Domains
Thanks we'll give it a try