Is it possible to prioritise a computer over another in the home network on HomeHub5, which I understand is Quality of Service (QoS). There are teenagers continually streaming in the house, consuming much of the bandwidth, and adults need to prioritise their Laptops for access to internet for work.
Advice appreciated
Hi there,
No the BT Hubs don't have the ability to limit or manage bandwidth to individual machines, you would have to invest in a different model.
Netgear is probably your best bet. There are other routers that do it but they rely on the IP address of the machine staying the same, which is fine if you are in a proper managed network and users don't have the capability of changing their IP.
Netgear manages MAC addresses which are fixed on each computer and cannot be changed. This is better for a home environment.
This article may explain and help you choose the correct model.