I'm building a shop by entering products into the ePages product entry form. The entry table displays 10 rows and I add the new product in a new row at the end. This product is then added to the database when saved and the table re-displayed to show 10 rows.
Question 1 - how can I increase the amount of rows displayed? The more rows displayed the quicker I can change the attributes of relevant products. 100 rows?
Question 2 - and this is my real problem - after entering a duplicate product number by mistake, a red box appeared around the number saying "Entry error - A product with this product number already exists." All well and good, but after entering the correct number the table now only displays 1 row at a time. Making global changes a nightmare as every product has now to be altered individually. (This is really an addendum to question 1)
I have downloaded and read the user guide from cover to cover, searched user forms and pulled my hair out. Can anyone help before I advise my client to go to change his software package to Joomla with VirtueMart!