Why can't we delete unwanted images from Your Library? There are a few that we've uploaded that we now want to replace but ESW won't let us. They have been removed from the website and are not in use anywhere else. Also they have never been published as they have only been used in a replacement website that we've been designing which has not yet gone live.
When I click the red cross to delete the images, I get the message:
Before you have removed the image, please make sure this image is not being used within any other pages of ESW, and pages that have already been published. If this image is being used by any other application of WebsiteOS, it should be permanently deleted so that there are no longer any links connected with the image. Should this image be deleted? Are you sure? Yes No |
They have been removed from the website and are not in use anywhere else, but when I click "Yes" I get the following message:
Images that were already used previously cannot be deleted OK |
and the image remains there and will not delete.
We had intended to update the website regularly with new images but the library is going to get very cluttered and unusable if we have to retain all the images we have ever uploaded.
That is an issue that we are looking into currently with our programmers. Currently you can delete the image manually from the ESW folder in your FTP. All the images are stored in the "ESW" folder in a folder called "images" and removing them from there removes the image from the editor as well.