I am putting a business on ice for a year while I do other stuff.
Today I spoke to one of your 'retention team' to say I wished to cancel my BT Business hosting.
I was told the business would also lose the domain and when I said I had paid for the domain and it belonged to my company I was told we would lose the domain as it was part of the package. "When you cancel the hosting you lose the domain, it's part of the package".
I mentioned retention of the domain and was told it was part of the package and I could try and renew it with a third party registrar. When I pressed further it was obvious the guy I was speaking to had no idea what to do and just repeated "it says here that the domain is part of the package."
If BT isn't preprared to retain the doamin on my companies behalf I want to transfer the domain to someone else.
Can you pklease clarify the situation and offer some advice on a way forward.
Kind regards Steve Barnett
Hi there Stevebarnett99
depending on the type of hositng pack you have, you would of been entitled to either 1 or 2 free domain names. If you used the hosting package to order the domains, when you cancel the hosting this will stop the domains from being renewed automatically.
What you can do is cancel the hostinng and then contact our Domain name team and they can set the flag for the domains changed from a free domain to a paid for domain, where you can setup card details to allow the domain to renew every 2 years.
I hope this helps.