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I've tried to submit my website to Google and waited for several minutes but got no response. I got the same response with EntireWeb and an outright failure with another (can't remember which). How can I tell whether the submission is still continuing or whether it has just failed and the system isn't responding?


Grand Master

Allthough computers perform tasks with incredable speed it still takes a finite amount of time for them to produce a result. By submitting a sitemap to Google or merely even telling any other search engine provider you exist then  you are essentially asking for an indexing system spanning several thousand servers across the globe looking after upwards of 69600000* websites if they could fit you in as soon as posibble and get your site listed somewhere in the rankings.


*it's a rough estimate from 2009 so probably more by now for active websites


Suffice to say things don't happen very quickly from a human perspective but they will happen. On average it takes Google just 3-4 hours before it gets around to verify a websites sitemap. Depending upon the size or number of pages you can expect them to scan some but perhaps not all of them all over the next 3-7 days.


After that data collected (content keywords, page loading time, javascript useage) from your website goes into the Google Ranking / Indexing algorithm again this can take a while in some cases, even Google says be patient as it can take almost three weeks if they have to manually revue a websites content by human eye. UK Jobs Scanner