I live in a rural area with poor land line quality resulting in regular VDSL drop outs, so I signed up for BT Assure with Super Fast Fibre enhanced and value line on the basis that EE coverage was good here and it would provide a seemless back up. Seemed like a good deal at £41.99 / month plus VAT.
The service went live on 22nd July 2019 but sadly I've found that the change over time to 4G is several minutes or more - actually slower than the land line dropping out and re-connecting plus EE coverage is actually poor no matter where I locate the dongle. Typically I get 3 bars and -100dBm.
Then to top it all my first bill was for £64.04 plus vat not the £41.99 plus vat.
Line speed on VDSL is as it should be when it works (20M), but change over speed to Assure is very slow as mentioned above and the 4G speed when it does work is <1M at best sometimes only 300k.
I don't think Assure is fit for purpose here and would like to cancel - anyone know what the terms / conditions are for cancellation ? I've not had the service for 30 days yet if that's a factor but looks as though I'm outside the 14 day cooling off period.
Alternatively I'd like a discount and or down grade the service to non Assure as clearly Assure is not practical at this location - despite EE coverage map claiming otherwise !