So I've gone way past my 10 day stabilisation period and I'm still getting nowhere near the expected speeds. To be honest I just can's spare the time right now to be on the phone to the call centre for an hour to get it fixed
Anyone else had this issue? any advice on what to do?
I'm assuming you have to call the call centre, you can't communicate via email or anything?
So far I'm so dissapointed with the service I've been receiving, if I can't get any joy from what will be the 10th call to the bloody call centre then I'll be contacting the cancellation service to try Virgin instead.
Solved! Go to Solution.
For connection issues, try our Help area which has faqs, broadband connectivity checks and contact information
Anyway from the speed you've quoted you're on fibre.
I would say that I have my connection fixed when I called them. I also waiting for a few days, but that didn't work. So I called them and they fixed my connection problem in a jiffy. I suggest you do the same and give time for it.
For connection issues, try our Help area which has faqs, broadband connectivity checks and contact information
Anyway from the speed you've quoted you're on fibre.
Hi, This forum is the best place where you can find answer about your queries. I advise you that you should contact your friends for this query. Currently i am unable to answer your question as i have lack of knowledge in this subject.
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Mod warning: Nonsense post noted. If you don't have anything useful to add then please don't post at all. Thanks. Dave
LOL, dont complain about 15 meg, im lucky if it reaches 3