I am having problems with my home page on my website loading slowly on the web management it says Slow Link: 8098K. I have tried to go in and alter the page but it takes an age for the page to load up. I then alter it, go to save it and it just hangs and them times out. I can change other pages and saves no problem.
I am using Easysite Wizard Pro.
Can anyone give me any suggestions on what to do?
Without a URL link to your homepage so I can take a look at the source code it's hard to say but something similiar cropped up a few months ago where the BT site builder threw a wobbler and created several megabytes of useless forward slashes in the header section of the page.
Images that have not been resized properly before being included on the website are another common culprit, just because a picture looks small does not mean the file size is small and many novices get caught out by this.
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