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The BT Business Hub and The PS3, Pull Up A Chair



Hello everyone, 


First of all, my internet and my general line quality is fine, this is an issue specifically between the PS3 and the Business Hub, which handles lots of traffic with no issue on the many PCs and laptops we have, however, after buying a PS3, issues have arisen. More than anything I'm curious to see if anyone else using a Playstation 3 console in conjunction with the BT Business Hub is having issues?


I've been plagued for the last three months by an error code by name of 80710723, which apparently refers to a DNS resolution error - according to Sony's tech gurus, I use the term 'guru' of course, ironically. Took me five calls and three songs to get a voice. Playstation are convinced that the issue is router related, and despite placing the PS3 in DMZ plus mode, or taking it out of DMZ and just opening the required PS3 ports, fails to resolve the issue.The OpenDNS project, BT's standard Primary and Secondary DNS' and the GoogleDNS servers (when entered into the PS3's network settings) don't help either. Tried everything, pulling my hair out. I'm pretty computer savvy and know my way around a router just because my dad was in IT for years, but I'm stumped on this one. Tried all the online solutions I can find, but none work.


The issue itself only affects downloads of a greater size than 2gb. The download will tick fine at about 1mbps until it'll lock up and tick no further. For Mass Effect 3 it's 13% without fail every time, for Red Dead Redemption, 2%. This issue has resulted in my lack of access to at least £100 worth of content...


I'm curious to know if anyone else has had these issues, or issues similar, and weither buying a non-BT router resolved the issue?

Thanks in advance!

All the best






I managed to locate a potential fix for this on Google. It's longwinded and seems to suggest that the problem (only affecting downloads over 2GB in size) is specific to the firmware of the BT2700HGV, those pesky services...


The solution has three steps: (provided you know how to locate your IP and access the browser interface, I will provide details below)


1. Turn off your router and pull out the ADSL cable. Then power back on.


2. Navigate to Settings > Broadband > Routing


3. Input these two static IPs


IP:     Subnet:     GW:

IP:     Subnet:     GW:


Run back and shunt in the ADSL. With love.


If you get an error, change the Default Gateway Values (GW) to an unassigned IP address.






That should be it. This took me three months to locate on the fluffing interweb. The richest data source in human history... 



(To locate your Default Gateway click start, type cmd and hold ctrl+shift+enter, then type "ipconfig/all" without quotes. Hit enter and look for the Default Gateway, type that address into your address bar, you're in.)





Wow. Great post you got here. Thanks for giving the answer to your own question.

Hi, I'm very new and somewhat less computer savvy than you guys, I'm using a 2wire home hub, and have only macs n the household, I am having the EXACT same issue as you, (were) 2% on red dead, could you be a bit more specific about what you do afterwards?

Hello again, I did some research on the technical aspects and gained a little understanding of how it works, I followed your instructions to the letter but I can't get it to work even now, I would really appreciate any suggestions at all.



The 2GB problem was resolved months ago with an automatic firmware update.



Well, the issue is still present in the latest firmware, identical symptoms to what everone else who suffers this issue has, and it won't work, with every fix 😕