I have been building my web site for the last four weeks!
I have got to the stage of wanting to put music files for people to listen to.
I understand the hyperlink way of uploading and have done this successfully, however, what I actually want is this -
An audio player visible on the screen so that a person viewing the web site can listen to the whole song or say just a minute of the song.
The problem with the hyperlink is - when you want to play the file, you have to save it first and it comes up with a warning!!
I don't probably need this answered, as the online help has just answered my question that the audio player is not able to be embedded with easy site builder. Which brings another question - when will this be available???? The reason I went with BT and not a dedicated music web Hester was for security!!!
This is the message I have just received from the online help desk - Does anyone understand this???
I suggest you to build your website using FrontPage and submit a hosting package that supports FrontPage extensions.
Anyone have any suggestions??
Thank you, I will give this a go over the next couple of days and let you know how I get on.