Good afternoon, first post on forums so aplogies if this has been covered elsewhere already (any pointers would be appreciated!)
I have a difference of opinion within my business over whether to install a BTNet 100M circuit (on a 100M bearer) or whether to install (via a thrid party) a 100M MPLS circuit (on a 100M bearer).
The line will be used to convey voice and video calls as well as standard external network traffic (browsing / emails etc.).
My understanding is that the BTNet solution (clarified by the nice BT salesman as NOT MPLS) is limited as far as providing QOS whereas the MPLS line would do this?
Does anyone have any definative answers?
Youve got an interesting one there. We have a similar circuit going in for voice, video between 2 sites and gen traffic, except one of our sites has a 4 on 10M line and the other a 10 on 100M.
Have used our 10M bearer for VC to Australia, Europe and USA with no issues, prob via gatekeepers though.