We purchased a web hosting package and linked it with our domain name - www.millisun.co.uk (which is also with BT). However, it does not appear, but if we try without the www in front millisun.co.uk then it shows the home page. How can we fix this.. has anybody encountered such a problem.
The webhosting and domain linking was done a week before, so we have given some time for for the DNS to be updated.
Any help would be much appreciated.
Sorry that you seem to have had some difficulties with this, Jace. I note that it's now set up to work with and without the "www". Did you set this up yourself or contact the helpdesk? It may be worthwhile letting the Forum members know how you resolved this?
Generally, you need to ensure that your Domain's "Zone File" is set up correctly with the appropriate values to point to your web space. Here's how to do this: What are the zone settings in the Domains Centre
You need to ensure that your "www" record and the @(none) record point to your web hosting IP address or are re-directed to external web space, if used.
The Domain Name Services team can ensure that this is working correctly, you should contact them using the appropriate web form here: Doman Name Services contact forms If you are at all unsure which form to use, please use the General Enquiry form