apart from making sure your websites name is relevant be sure to check its not funny unlike these companies:
A company selling CAD software and Learning CDs was called ViaGrafix (www.viagrafix.com) - quite innocent until a blue pill hit the market. The company is now called Learn2.
If you offer a scaffold erection/dismantle service, maybe you shouldn’t have a mammoth as your mascot and call your company Mammoth Erection:
(Website link has been removed due to potentially inflammatory name/content)
IHA Vegas‘ holiday rentals might have a special smell, since:
(Website link has been removed due to potentially inflammatory name/content)
Anyone knows if Australian ISP WebOne does some moonlighting?
(Website link has been removed due to potentially inflammatory name/content)
The Royal t1t Watching (Ornithological) Society Of Britain used the domain:
(Website link has been removed due to potentially inflammatory name/content)
Don't forget these ones... 🙂
Do you need a therapist?
Try (Website link has been removed due to potentially inflammatory name/content)
Who Represents? ~ a database for agencies to the rich and famous
(Website link has been removed due to potentially inflammatory name/content)
was gonna mention them but theyre a tad NSFW