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mysql import via command line using PHP

Grand Master

I'm trying to import a Wordpress database via the command line, using PHP.

Yes, I know I can use the cPanel to do it via the phpMyAdmin (which is what I just did).

I would like to have a simple php file that I can import the database without having to log into cPanel, as I'm probably going to be doing this often for testing purposes on a production Wordpress blog for a customer.

What I have in the php file:

<?php system('mysql -h localhost -u MyUserName -p MyPassword -d MyDatabase < MyDumpFile;'); ?>

 The only output I get is the same as if I entered 'mysql -?` from the command line.

I have verified that the username, password, database, and dump file names are all correct. When I changed it to a mysqldump command (with appropriate syntax changes), it worked fine.

I figure there is something I'm missing, but can't figure it out.






Grand Master

The 'system' command is one of the servers higher level functions  known as a Shell script and is normally unavailable to  users on shared hosting for security reasons. Note: some web hosting providers would of suspended your account if they found you trying to use this.


A workaround is to read the file to be imported to the database in large blocks and use the SQL Bulk Insert command syntax. UK Jobs Scanner