can there be a server related area?
i have good experience with server 2000 + 2003 so could help out alot there. i also have issues that i cant find an immediate solution to so it would be good to have somewhere to turn to so i could ask advice and give advice.
its just that im losing interest in the forum since its the same stuff being posted mostly and i have better things to do.
I've seen the odd advanced topic but yeah I tend to troll alot looking for stuff thats either difficult or hasn't been answered.
Some sort of forum for server stuff or advanced setups would be nice.
Your prayers are answered.
I have a small network of 10 computers linked to SBS 2003 through a switch. It has DHCP and the computers have been set up through Active Directory.
When I link them to BT hub. I gain the Internet but lose the internal network.
Question is how do I successfully have an internal network controlled through the SBS 2003 and also have internet access using the BT hub?
Your help will be greatly appreciated.
first off theres something misconfigured. before answering this it would help if you answer this.
do you use 5 or 13 static ips from bt and have assigned one to the server? if so then by putting the static ip to the server lan card it effectively cuts out local traffic to the server since it has a public ip not a local one.
if its 5 or 13 you will need either to get BT to change you to a single ip so you can use a local ip on the server like the other pcs and use port forwarding to allow internet traffic to the server (if necessary)
if that is not the scenario then what is doing DHCP on the network? the server or the BT business hub?
it should be the server. you can turn off dhcp in the GUI of the 2700, specify the ip and default gateway etc on the servers NW card and then make sure your DHCP scope on the serve is set up so that it:
if you do that it will help alot with your internal networking and DNS resolution.
let me know the story and i will gladly advise
Hi Alastair
Thanks. We havent subscribed to Static IP. It the server or the HUB allocated IP automatically.
Do i need 2 lan cards in the server. one to the Hub the other to the Switch or can I plug stratight to switch both the server and the HUB?
If 2 lan cards in the server which is the gateway? the on the connect to switch or the one connecting to hub?
many thanks
ok i suggest the internal network is looked at.
is the server AND hub doing dhcp or one of them? which one?
and what ip range is being given out if its the server doing dhcp
at the moment both have the DHCP active. I understand that there should only be one active, but which one do you recommend to use the BT hub or SBS 2003 one. I wil then switch one off and start again.
many thanks
i recommend DHCP is run by the server. in my prev post it has the scope options.
like i said specify the server tcp ip address as and DG as (DNS as and alt as then turn off dhcp in the 2700.
then create that dhcp scope.