My e-shop / BT hosted website has gone down again, it's come back a couple of times but takes about 5 mins to show the page, some product pics are missing and to navigate to another page take more minutes and then crashes...
The biggest problem is the lack of support, I've been on the Value Added Service number twice for 15 mins with no answer so I doubt they're there and BT on any other number have no clue... what do people do to get a human response like this, especially at the weekend or do we just wait until Monday and lose a weekends e-commerce? is the website and if anyone from BT reads this then I'm on 0845 500 77 99.
I'm having the same problem, my eshop is hit and miss more often than not I get a timed out error message. My admin/back of shop pages are also affected.
A response from BT would be appreciated.
My ecommerce site is also down, cannoot connect to the site at all at the moment. I hope we will be reimbursed for lost sales. I cannot get any body at it support team, the calls are not eing answered.
I had the same problem all day on Saturday and its no better this morning. Really awful service from BT - I can't believe that a global company such as them allow such things to happen.
Pull your finger out BT - most people with e-shops came to BT because of their reputation and you are simply failing us.
Dear BT,
My e-shop takes way to long to show the shop pages and is a rubbish e-experience for customers or the site fails to load due to timeout. I moved to BT from 123reg they had no problems. I cant believe that BT servers are so slow. I thought you where the big boys with huge resources. Your e-shop is aimed at small business and our websites are our shop fronts when you don't do your job you close our business.
"The connection has timed out" is not the way to do business.
Same problem here to with no support available at weekends which is so annoying.,I have also been using google adwords pay per click so being charged for people clicking and obviously not being able to access my site.which i have only just relized isn't working.
Can someone at BT PLEASE try to resolve this problem as we good people are losing business!!!!!!!! and shouldn't have to wait until Monday.
Hi BT,
My site is completely down now. I am going to the pub maybe you tech guys are there?
Its working
Thank you BT
I am so glad I read these forums first, I was just about to recommend BT Ecommerce site to my customers
Im going to have to look at other solutions.
Thanks guys, I hope you get your issues sorted. If not, and I find a good solution I will post back here.