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Guest wifi limited range


Our Village hall ( large ) had broadband installed over a year ago .Specifically to offer our hirers " guest wi-fi. The secure " committee wifi" has great coverage but the guest wifi is unobtainable in one room . The committee wifi is full strength there!

    We have tried over months to move discs around etc to no avail

 When a new smart TV was hard wired to router  from that room  a booster was likewise hard wired to router to no benefit.

   It seems as if discs boost the secure wifi but the guest wifi is not sent to discs. BT engineers have said nothing more can be done. 

  Surely there is a way to cover whole village hall.

I have used BT guest wifi in larger more complex buildings .

 Sorry if this post is in non technical language but I am not very conversant with wifi terminology.

    Regards Ian





Hi ianweeks


Guest Wi-Fi does not work over the discs, it comes from the router directly only. 
