Mobile internet is not working, and speed is very slow.
Which network?
Which phone?
Did it work OK previously?
The more info you provide, the more help you are likely to get! 😁
If these haven't put things right for you, here are more things you can try to get mobile data working:
Check your mobile coverage.
Reset your network settings.
Update your software or check your data.
Connect using wi-fi instead of mobile data.
Rachel Gomez
Thank you for sharing the information.
Answer the questions in my previous post if you want my help.
Which is it? Either it is slow or it is not working. It can't be both. But the OP has never returned.
Hello, can you please explain it more, which network you are using and all details please so i can give you some instructions about it, Your mobile internet connection is facing issues with connectivity and reduced speed.
This thread is a year old and the OP never returned.
send me mobile device name and network name, i will solve your problem.