We have just installed an analogue fax machine with an ADSL filter. We was able to accept and receive phone calls and we can also receive faxes but for some strange reason we are unable to send faxes. We tested the fax machine at our other office and it worked fine. Any suggestions as to what could effect this? The only difference with this setup is that the router is on the same filter as the fax machine.
Disconnect the router and filter and then try it again.
It could be that manufacturer specific signalling is outside te voice band and the filter is attenuating it.
The try again with filter and router - to different receiving machines.
Shot in the dark firstly
When you tested the fax machine at your other office was it connected to a telephone system and therefore pre-dialling 9 at the start for an external line?
If so you don’t need the 9 for a STD line.
Also: try calling your mobile from the fax machine and see if it rings.