I am currently looking for a new webhost that can both keep my site online and load the pages at a constant speed because my current host is always having problems with downtime and low page speeds (due to their servers not my site).
I have a couple of questions that ive been unable to find answers for and hope you can help me.
1) Is PhpBB allowed on BT hosting?
2) In the terms of use it says that file hosting is not allowed but my phpbb site will have attachments ranging from (100kb to 3MB) so the files are not huge is this ok?
I am already a BT BB and phone customer so hosting with BT would be perfect for me im just worried about those things and need to know if its ok. Im not rich but if BT can keep my site running smooth at all times then I will be more than happy to pay for the advanced hosting.
My current site is: http://www.Codenstuff.com if you need to check it out first. This is the site im wanting to move to BT hosting.
Thank you.
It can handle phpBB fine as I have run it in the past. However, my board was quite small (65 users / 30000 posts) so what you probably need to consider is how many users are usually online at any time.
Mine only ever had about an average of 20 users online at once and this ran without any problems.
Also, my board wasn't as heavily modified as yours though. I think the mchat mod that you have can be quite resource hungry on shared hosting so it may be this that is causing you the issue.
Anyway, there is no restriction on running phpBB on BT's hosting, and I had no problems hosting phpBB with them