Hi Guys,
I’m not sure if you can help me but I can only ask 🙂 We are a BT business broadband customer based in Maghera which has been recently upgraded to BT FTTC (Exchange 60m away cab 30). We have about 20 demanding users using internet full time on a 6mb connection as you can imagine it’s very very slow especially for an I.T company such as ourselves.
Every time I ring I get told I cannot get BT business fibre broadband plus as our FTTC cab is not activated, we have our own dedicated account manager who tells me the same thing although I don't think every body is singing of the same hymn sheet. I have checked my telephone number on various BT line checkers and they all confirm the same thing i cannot get. Although when I check herehttp://www.fasterbroadbandni.com/checktelephone.php its says I can receive i have also verified this with KN Networks the FTTC installers - Openreach UK/NI and DETI Part funders of the roll-out. I have also checked my cabinet and it has also been activated and is ready for orders:http://www.fasterbroadbandni.com/checkcabinet.php?exchange_id=118.
I know there are various consumers and businesses getting the service literately meters away and I was hoping that someone could possibly give me a little insight as to whats happening as i have come against a brick wall not even heads of departments within BT will reply back 😞 not good for a company we spend easily 10k a year with.
Kind Regards,
I am really sorry you haven't been able to move onto Fibre broadband. From what you have said in your post I can only imagine that you are not connected to the same cabinet as the one that has been upgraded, though your account manager should be able to give you more information on this than we can on the forum.
Fibre is being rolled out, and I am really sorry that you are not benefiting from it yet. However, once your cabinet has been upgraded you will be moved over onto this service.
I know this isn't the answer you were looking for, but I am afraid the Moderators on the forum don't have any additional information from your account manager.
Kind Regards
BT Business Forum Moderator