Hi all,
I've used BT in several properties and have always had the same problem.
The router seems to drop out and lose connection. Over the past three/four days, the router has dropped out 3/4 times every hour. This is very frustrating.
I've tried changing channel but have had no difference. If anything, it's worse!
Anybody got any other solutions?
Sorry - Just noticed I've posted in the wrong section.
No problem, I just moved it over to the appropriate forum.
Right, first off does the connection drop when you're connected to wireless, Ethernet, or both? You mention a channel, but this would only affect wireless.
Also what happens to the router when the connection drops? Do the lights change or even reset?
Have you tried factory resetting the router, making sure to note any specific set up, like IP addresses, before you do so?
Hi Dave,
Thanks for the quick response. I'm only connected wirelessly.
Not sure what happens to the router when it drops out as it's in the other room. I'll check next time it dies. Usually, it prompts me to reboot the router.
Please note that although the router is in the other room, i have 75% connection strength.
Ok - So the internet just dropped out again. Went and checked, none of the lights are on apart from the power light.....
That means your router is completely resetting. This could be a power supply problem, or firmware, or something in the router itself.
First thing to suggest is to take it off any extensions, and plug it into a different power socket.
If it still resets then try a factory reset from the router interface.
If that doesn't help either then it's a Helpdesk job, as they'll need to try sending out a PSU, and then a router if that doesn't help.
The router could be choking by itself. Have you checked the logs and see if it gives you any clues?
Logs don't seem to have anything out of the ordinary. I'll try switching the power socket although I don't think that'll sort the issue. Worth ago!
Will I have a problem getting BT to send out a new PSU as my name isn't on the billing. It's a rented flat.
As long as you can confirm the account details and answer security then it should be fine.
Was looking up for a while, but it seems moving plug sockets hasn't helped.
What secret questions are likely to be asked? I would go back to my landlord and complain, but I seem to get no where with him. It's taken me 3 months to get a leak fixed.
I have a spare router coming tomorrow. I'll test it on that and feedback.